Getting Credit – Legal rights
The specialized information resource has been created. It contains the data about individuals and legal entities accountable for utilities, use of housing facilities and communication services, commercial loans (credit, deferred debt, payment by installments for goods) of retail trade.
In order to estimate the borrowing powerthe information resource allows providing to banks and non-bank financial institutions relevant data electronically.
Reform influence:
It allows providing to banks and other institutions the information necessary to estimate the. (the facility of access to credit information and its volume will increase).
Entered into force: July 2012
Decree of President of Belarus No. 389 of 30 August 2011 (The specialized information resource);
Decree of President of Belarus No. 13 of 10 January 2014 (The structure of data provided by the information resource has been improved);
Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Belarus No. 193 of 26 April 2012;
Resolution of the Counsil of Ministers of Belarus No. 882 of 4 October 2013 (RUE Beltelecom and и RUE Belpochta became information mediators).