1946-1990 The State Planning Committee during post-war years of the Soviet period of the BSSR history
In 1946 the State Planning Committee altered its structure. A new large department was created – the national and republican industry department, for this reason the departments of light, textile and food industries were eliminated. The fuel and electrification department was divided into 2 independent divisions; the capital construction department was reorganized into the capital construction and building industry department.
The real assets authority was reformed into the authority of calculation and allocation of real assets with 2 departments: the department of calculation and allocation of materials and the department of calculation and allocation of equipment. The department of constructional materials was united with the forestry and timber industry department, the agriculture department was extended and became the agriculture and water industry department.
In February 1950 the new Statute of the State Planning Committee of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR and the Statute of regional planning committees of the BSSR.
According to the new Statute, the State Planning Committee was to concentrate its special attention on coordination of economic plans, made by ministries, agencies and local planning bodies; on designing of development schemes and placement of productive forces, plans of placement of enterprises with a glance to their degree of approximation to sources of raw materials, energy and regions of production consumption; on planning of adoption and assimilation of new equipment; on problems of economic connections of the Republic with the other districts of the USSR, of control of plans realization.
Further development of the national economy of the Republic to set new problems for planning bodies, extend their sphere of activity:
- according to the decree of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR of December 30th, 1950 the State Planning Committee was to consider and to confirm projects and estimates for construction of republican and local importance;
- in compliance with the decree of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR of May 25th, 1951 the State Planning Committee started to make up long-term and yearly plans for development and adoption of new equipment into all the spheres of national economy;
- in confirmation with the decree of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR of July 11th, 1952 the State Planning Committee was to make up resolutions about the projects and estimates of land reclamation and hydro economic building.
In 1961 the Council of Ministers passed the decree “About the measures of further development of labour mechanization and automation of engineering staff and administrative and management personnel”. According to this decree the Computer centre was established under the State Planning Committee, which was reorganized as the Research Institute of Economy and Econometric Methods of Planning of the State Planning Committee of the BSSR in 1969. On its basis later the present-day Research institute of Economy of the Republic of Belarus was created.
In confirmation with the decree of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR of November 4th, 1965 the science and technology department was established as a part of the State Planning Committee. The Institute of scientific and technical information and propaganda of the State Committee of coordination of research work was turned over to the State Planning Committee. Since January 1st, 1966 the bulletin “Belarusian Industry” became a body of the State Planning Committee of the BSSR and the Belarus Republic Soviet of research societies.
During 1970s-1980s the structure of the State Planning Committee of the BSSR, its tasks and functions didn’t undergo any sufficient changes.