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List of state programs

The list of state programs for 2016 – 2020


Program name


1. State Program on Social Protection and Promotion of Employment for 2016 – 2020

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection

2. State program “Small and Medium-Sized Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Belarus” for 2016 – 2020

Ministry of Economy

3. State program “People’s Health and Demographic Security of the Republic of Belarus” for 2016 – 2020

Ministry of Health

4. State program “Education and Youth Policy” for 2016 – 2020

Ministry of Education

5. State program “Culture of Belarus” for 2016 – 2020

Ministry of Culture

6. State Program for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Republic of Belarus for 2016 – 2020

Sports and Tourism Ministry

7. State program “Comfortable Housing and Favorable Environment” for 2016 – 2020

Ministry of Housing and Communal Services

8. State program “Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources” for 2016 – 2020

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

9. State Program for Overcoming the Consequences of the Disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant for 2011 – 2015 and for the Period until 2020

Ministry of Emergency Situations

10. State program “Hospitable Belarus” for 2016 – 2020

Sports and Tourism Ministry

11. State Program for the Development and Maintenance of Roads in the Republic of Belarus for 2017 – 2020

Ministry of Transport and Communications

12. State Program for the Development of Pharmaceutical Industry of the Republic of Belarus for 2016–2020

Ministry of Health

13. State program “Knowledge-Intensive Technologies and Techniques” for 2016 – 2020

National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

14. State program “The Development of Digital Economy and Information Society”

Ministry of Communications and Informatization

15. State program “Energy Saving” for 2016 – 2020

The State Committee for Standardization

16. State program “Housing Construction” for 2016 – 2020

Ministry of Architecture and Construction

17. State Program for the Development of Transport Complex of the Republic of Belarus for 2016 – 2020

Ministry of Transport and Communications

18. State Program for the Development of Agricultural Business in the Republic of Belarus for 2016 – 2020

Ministry of Agriculture and Food

19. State program “Belarusian Forest” for 2016 – 2020

Ministry of Forestry

20. State Program for the Development of Machine-Building Complex for 2017 – 2020

Ministry of Industry

21. State program “Public Finance Management and Financial Market Regulation” for 2020 and for the period until 2025

Ministry of Finance