Main / Business reforms / Registering Property

Registering Property


Information from the Unified State Register of property, property rights and property deals could be provided. Relevant procedure has been elaborated. The information could be provided per post or by e-mail without personal applying to appropriate State organization. 

Reform influence: It granted efficiency and extraterritoriality of applying for information from the Unified State Register of property, property rights and property deals and receiving relevant information. Therefore transportation expenses are exclured.

Entered into force:  8 November 2013

Legislation:  Resolution of the State Property Committee of Belarus No. 39 of 8 August 2013.


Information from the Unified state register of property, property rights and property deals ( about real estate objects, rights, abridgements (charges) and bargains could be provided.

Reform influence:

It allows receiving operative information about real estate objects, rights, abridgements (charges) and bargains. It also relieves from the necessity to apply to the State and conveyancers in case of drawing up or signing a contract on immovable (real estate) property. Time and money expenses are reduced.

Entered into force:  22 August 2006


Resolution of the State Property Committee of Belarus No. 13 of 27 July 2006.


The procedure for filing documents for registration of real estate bargains has been established. It also regulates the transmission of documents per post and by e-mail.

Reform influence: 

It granted efficiency and extraterritoriality of the procedure for filing documents for registration of real estate, rights and bargains, technical inventory and specifications check of immovables. Therefore transportation expenses are exclured.

Entered into force:  26 January 2012


Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 271-3 of 3 June 2011.

Resolution of the State Property Committee of Belarus No. 70 of 16 December 2011.