Main / Establishment of the Common Economic Space

Establishment of the Common Economic Space

The Ministry of Economy is the republican administrative body responsible for coordination of work in the Republic of Belarus regarding the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space, as well as cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Commission.

Resolution № 380 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 16 May 2013.

Legal framework of the Customs Union

Legal framework of the Common Economic Space of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russian

Schedule of drafting documents to implement the Agreements that form the CES. Approved by Resolution No 29 of the Eurasian Economic Commission Council of 14 May 2012 (as revised by the Resolution № 9 of the Eurasian Economic Commission Council of 27 February 2013)


The Eurasian Economic Commission

The official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission (

The Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Commission of 18 November 2011

Rules and procedures of the Eurasian Economic Commission

The Structure of the Eurasian Economic Commission

Resolution № 1 of the Eurasian Economic Commission Council «On Eurasian Economic Commission representative offices in the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan »

Important documents:

Declaration on Eurasian economic integration of 18 November 2011

Resolution № 21 of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council of 19 December 2012

Resolution № 18 of the Eurasian Economic Commission Council of 14 March 2013

Resolution № 30 of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council of 29 May 2013


Research, discussions:

Revera Consulting Group: the Common Economic Space: the history of creation, institutional framework and the scope of coordinated spheres of activities

Projects and reports of the Integration Research Center of Eurasian Development Bank


Useful links:

The official web-site of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

The official web-site of the government of the Russian Federation:

Court of Eurasian Economic Community: