Main / Press service

Press service

The recommended procedure to handle inquiry to the Ministry of Economy from the representatives of print and electronic media

1.Inquiries should be addressed to the Minister of Economy Aleksandr Chervyakov.

2.Inquiries are issued on letterhead signed by executive manager  (chief editor, subeditor).

3.The inquiry formulates:
- Main theme (the subject of inquiry);
- A list of questions;
- Departments, divisions, specialist of the Ministry to answers these questions or arrange an interview are indicated in case of prior agreement;
- Contact information of  the editorial office and reporter (telephone, E-mail).

4.Journalists of foreign media should have a certificate of accreditation in the Republic of Belarus (accreditation card) issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

5.Requests are accepted by fax 200-37-77 and e-mail during working hours (from 9.00 to 18.00).