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Conducting seminars, conferences, other public discussions within the framework of international technical assistance

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 15thSeptember 2005 No. 1027 approved the Regulation of the Procedure for submission, consideration and registration of information on the organization and (or) conduction of seminars, conferences, other public discussions within the framework of ITA.

This Regulation determines the procedure for filing and submitting an application for organizing and (or) conducting seminars, conferences, other public discussions within the framework of the ITA, as well as the deadline for submitting and processing applications (attached). Registration of information on the organization and (or) conduction of seminars, conferences, other public discussions within the framework of ITA is carried out by the Ministry of Economy on the basis of the decision of the Commission for International Technical Cooperation under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

The basis for accepting the application for organizing and (or) holding seminars, conferences, other public discussions within the framework of international technical assistance (hereinafter - application) for consideration by the Commission is the official application of recipients of international technical assistance - organizers of such seminars, conferences, other public discussions (hereinafter - the recipient-organizer) to the Ministry of Economics (drafted in any format) with the submission of:

- application in the form agreed with the regional executive committee or the Minsk City Executive Committee, on the territory of which it is planned to hold a seminar, conference, other public discussion, in five copies signed by the recipient-organizer. Coordination with the regional executive committee or the Minsk City Executive Committee is not required if the recipient-organizer is the republican government bodies, state legal entities of the republican form of ownership and other state organizations subordinate to the Government of the Republic of Belarus. The application form is filled in Times New Roman, the font size is 14 pt with the obligatory filling of all necessary columns. It's not allowed to delete columns from the forms;

- confirmation by the donor of international technical assistance on the provision of monetary funds, including in foreign currency, goods (property), execution of work, provision of services for organizing and / or holding a seminar, conference, other public discussion within the framework of international technical assistance on the territory of the Republic Belarus;

-  a program of the seminar, conference, other public discussion within the framework of international technical assistance, including the purposes and objectives of the event;

- the list and number of participants of the seminar, conference, other public discussion within the framework of international technical assistance;

- a copy of the document on assigning the payer's identification number (hereinafter referred to as "the PIN") to the recipient of international technical assistance;

- other documents if necessary.

The recipient-organizers submit to the Ministry of Economy reports on seminars, conferences and other public discussions within the framework of international technical assistance in the form approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus № 1027no later than 15 days after conducting the seminars, conferences and other public discussions within the framework of international technical assistance.