Main / About the Ministry / Senior officials



Personal data: born 16 November 1979 in Minsk

EducationBelarus State Economic University – 2002, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus – 2008 г.


2002-2003 –junior researcher at the Economic Research Institute ofthe Ministry of Economyof the Republic of Belarus

2003-2004 – chief economist of the section of machine-construction and metallurgy of the Department of the Economics of Industry, Transport andCommunications of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus

2004-2005 – consultant of the section of economic analysis of industry development of the Department of the Economics of Industry, Transport and Communications of the Ministry of Economyof the Republic of Belarus

2005-2011 – Deputy Head of the Department of the Economics of Industry, Transport and Communications – Head of the Section of Economic Analysis of Industry Development of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus

2011-2016 – Head of the Department of the Economics of Industry, Transport and Communications of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus

2016 - June 2020 – Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Belarus

2020 - January 2024 – First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Belarus

Nowadays – Minister of Economy of the Republic of Belarus

Honors: Medal «For the contribution to the Eurasian Economic Union creation» III class, 2015; Medal «For Labor Merit», 2023