Main / About the Ministry / Senior officials

Deputy Minister

Personal data

Born in Minsk.


Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy, specialty management, personnel management - 2002.

Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus - 2007 (retraining)


1997 – 2002

Student of the Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy

2002 – 2005

Chief Inspector of the Oktyabrsky District Department of the Minsk City Administration of the Social Protection Fund

2005 -2009

Deputy Head of the Oktyabrsky District Department of the Minsk City Administration of the Social Protection Fund

2009 – 2016

Head of the Zavodsky district department of the Minsk city administration of the Social Protection Fund

2016 – 2018

First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Zavodsky District of Minsk

2018 – October 2023

Chairman of the Economics Committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee


Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Belarus