Main / International Technical Cooperation / Information for recipients of international technical assistance / Information on the procedure of submitting a progress report on the implementation of the project program of international technical assistance to the Ministry of Economy

Information on the procedure of submitting a progress report on the implementation of the project program of international technical assistance to the Ministry of Economy

In accordance with paragraph 6 of Chapter 2 of the Regulation on the procedure of assessing the implementation of projects (programs) of international technical assistance and their efficiency, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 26th November 2004 No. 1513, recipients of international technical assistance who applied for registration * of the project (program) of international technical assistance till January 15 of the year following the reporting year, submit reports on the progress of the implementation of projects (programs) of international technical assistance to the Ministry of Economy in the established form. After the completion of the ITA project (program) the final report for the entire period of the project (program) implementation should be submitted no later than 40 days from the expiry date of its implementation.

The form of the report is filled with Times New Roman font, the font size is 14,on the printing device with the obligatory filling of all necessary columns. It’s not allowed to delete columns from the forms.

This Regulation defines the procedure for a comprehensive examination of the implementation of international technical assistance projects, which is applied in the following cases:

- repeated violations of the deadline for submission of reports on the progress of the implementation of ITA projects (programs) to the Ministry of Economy;

- identification by authorized state bodies of the misuse of international technical assistance and submission by such bodies of relevant information to the Ministry of Economy;

- exceeding the annual cost of ITA amount equivalent to 300 thousand US dollars;

- an application for a comprehensive examination is issued by the recipient or donor of international technical assistance.

Based on the results of the consideration of the need for a comprehensive examination, the chairman of the Commission approves a plan for carrying out comprehensive examinations, in which government bodies responsible for its conduct are determined.

* One applicant organization on behalf of all recipients of the ITA project submits reports to the Ministry of Economy.