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Information on registration of changes and or additions to international technical assistance project

In accordance with paragraph 23 of Chapter 4 of the Regulation on the procedure for the preparation, review and registration of projects (programmes) for international technical assistance, as well as lists of goods (property, including monetary funds), works and services provided for the implementation of these projects (programmes), which approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 21th November 2003 No. 1522 "On Some Measures for Implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 22th October 2003 No. 460", registration of amendments and (or) additions to the project is carried out by the Ministry of Economy, if the goals and objectives of the  project are preserved and total amount of project financing changes in the amount not exceeding 50 percent of the previously registered volume.

If the change in total amount of project financing entails a change in the amount of co-financing from the republican and local budgets, such a change is subject to agreement with the Ministry of Finance, local executive and administrative bodies.

To register amendments and (or) additions to the project, recipient of international technical assistance must provide to the Ministry of Economy:

-  ITA receiver’s request in any format (covering letter with name and phone number of executant);

-  Application for project registration, drawn up in accordance with theform established by the Ministry of Economy. The form should be written in font size 14 pt. Italic in Times New Roman. All columns of the form are obligatory.It’s not allowed to delete columns from the forms;

-  Documents that confirm the donor’s consent for introduction of amendments and (or) additions to the project in two copies;

-  Translation of documents confirming the donor's consent for introduction of amendments and / or additions to the project, in Belarusian or Russian in two copies.