Main / International Technical Cooperation / Information for recipients of international technical assistance / Information on the approval of international technical assistance projects

Information on the approval of international technical assistance projects

In accordance with paragraph 10 of Chapter 3 of the Regulations on the procedure for the preparation, review and registration of projects (programs) for international technical assistance, as well as lists of goods (property, including monetary funds), works and services provided for the implementation of these projects (programs) which approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 21th November 2003 No. 1522 "On Some Measures for Implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 22th October 2003 No. 460" for the project approval, recipients of international technical assistance represent to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus:

1. ITA receiver’s request (covering letter) compiled in accordance with the requirements;

2. Application for project registration, drawn up in accordance with theform established by the Ministry of Economy;

3. Original or certified copy of project in duplicate;

4. Translation of the original of the project into Belarusian or Russian in duplicate;

5. Project passport in the form established by the Ministry of Economy in duplicate.

These forms should be written in font size 14 pt. Italic in Times New Roman. All columns of the form are obligatory.It’s not allowed to delete columns from the forms.

Projects submitted without these documents, as well as containing mutually exclusive provisions and (or) inaccurate information, shall be returned within five days from the date of receipt to the Ministry of Economy.

If the Commission on International Technical Cooperation under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) decides not to approve or give recommendations for project approval, the Ministry of Economy informs the recipient of international technical assistance about the decision taken by the Commission within five days from the date of the decision.