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Monitoring the implementation of projects programs of international technical assistance

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 22nd  October 2003 No. 460 and Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 21st November 2003 No. 1522  The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and the State Control Committee submit on an annual basis a joint report on international technical assistance and its efficiency to the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The decree defines an integrated system for monitoring the implementation of projects and programs of international technical assistance, which is built on the control of:

- progress in the implementation of projects (programs) of international technical assistance and their efficiency;

- targeted use of monetary funds, including in foreign currency, goods (property), works and services provided in the framework of international technical assistance projects (programs).

The control over the targeted use of international technical assistance, according to the Decree, is exercised by the State Control Committee, the Tax and Duties Ministry, the State Customs Committee and other state bodies in accordance with their competence.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of
26th November 2004 No. 1513 approved the Regulation on the procedure for assessing the implementation of projects and programs of international technical assistance and their efficiency.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1513 issued:

- an annual assessment of the progress in implementing international technical assistance projects (programs) and their efficiency, which is a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of both individual projects (programs) of international technical assistance and international technical assistance to the Republic of Belarus as a whole and analyzing the efficiency of such assistance for the republic. The analysis is based on the results of the implementation of the projects (programs) purposes, objectives, planned activities, financial obligations. At the same time, the results of the annual assessment will form in a systematic way the basis for annual reports to the President of the Republic of Belarus regarding information on the progress in the implementation of international technical assistance projects (programs) and their efficiency;

- a comprehensive examination of the implementation of  ITA projects (programs), which is a mechanism for in-depth evaluation of the implementation of  ITA projects (programs), as well as making recommendations for improving the effectiveness of projects (programs). It is proposed to conduct a comprehensive examination of individual projects in accordance with the criteria prescribed by the resolution.

The main differences in the mechanisms for assessing and monitoring projects (programs) of international technical assistance


Annual Assessment

Comprehensive Examination

Control Over the Targeted Use


Analysis of the implementation of activities, results achieved and indicators of projects (programs)

Analysis of the efficiency and effectiveness of projects (programs)

Verification of compliance of financial transactions and reports with legal and contract obligations


Monitoring of implementation progress and determining the degree of achievement of results, purposes and objectives of the ITA project (program)

Evaluation of efficiency and development of measures to increase the efficiency of the implementation of the ITA project (program)

Detection and prevention of abuse and misuse of funds



According to the decisions, made in the established order, on the need for execution
