Main / Public-Private Partnership / PPP project formulation from initiation to the conclusion of the PPP agreement

PPP project formulation from initiation to the conclusion of the PPP agreement

The procedure for preparation, review and evaluation for the implementation of PPP projects,as well as the order of organization and holding of a competitive tender for the selection of a private partner are approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 6thJuly 2016 No. 532 "On measures to implement the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 30th December 2015 "On public-private partnership".

In particular the legislative procedures provide for:

- the development of the concept by the state or private initiator, its approval by state bodies, the assessment by the PPP Center, consideration and approval by the IIPP;

- the preparation of a feasibility study (FS) with the parallel development of the PPP draft agreement, including the determination of conditions for attracting a private partner for the PPP project, identification and assessment of risks, their distribution between public and private partners;

- the assessment of the feasibility study by the relevant state bodies, preparation of draft decision on the implementation of the PPP project in accordance with Article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On public-private partnership "(hereinafter - the decision on the PPP project), itsharmonization;

- The consideration of the feasibility study and other materials of the IICC and its approval of the PPP Project;

-The development of tender documentation (after the decision on the implementation of the PPP project), its verification by the PPP Center, coordination with the state authorities and approval by the IICC;

- The competitive tender for choosing a private partner to conclude the PPP agreement;

- The conclusion of the PPP agreement between public and private partners.

If a project proponent isn’t a public body, but a private initiator, at first the proposal shall be considered by the concerned authority and only after the approval of the proposed concepts and the feasibility study the general procedure for its evaluation and review by state bodies, PPP Center and IIPP comes into force.

The requirements for the concept of the PPP project, the feasibility study, the competitive tender documentation, as well as the methods of evaluation of  proposals for the implementation of  PPP projects are established by the Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus of 27th July 2016 No. 49 "On public-private partnership projects".