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1991-2006 Planning Committees reorganization during years of independence

At the early 90’s after Soviet Union’s collapse BSSR State Economic Planning Committee was created instead of State Planning Committee, on the basis of which in 1994 Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus was created.

The Republic of Belarus has become a sovereign state, which determines and carries out its home and foreign policy independently.

It was necessary to change work of economic bodies. In 1994 Ministry of Economy was responsible for this change, because it became a successor of State Planning and State Planning Economic Committee. Its activity is completely subordinated to the realization of state’s strategic policy aimed at the development of social market economy.

According to the Statement of Ministry of Economy, the main task of the Ministry is to develop and implement state economic policy, prepare and present proposals to Council of Ministers, coordinate work of administrative bodies, work out plan of effective socio-economic state’s development, effective usage of resource, scientific and industrial state’s potential for the benefit of Belarusian people.


The Council of Ministers adopted the national policy of stable socio-economic growth of the Republic of Belarus for the period till 2020.

Economy of the republic had been formed as a part of the unified economy complex of USSR. It specialized in machinery construction, chemical and petrochemical, woodworking, light and food industry, in agriculture - in livestock sector, flax cultivation and potato growing.

But after the collapse of USSR, it was necessary to ensure the existence of belarusian economy in new conditions, adopt the functioning of national economy complex to proper needs of Belarus. This caused reduction of production volume and its efficiency.

The situation began to change after election of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Successive economic growth in Belarus is ensured since 1996 when the first All Belarusian People's Assembly accepted Major directions of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus for 1996-2000. Within five years GDP increased by 35,7%, industrial output – by 64,4%, fixed asset investment – by 33,2%, real income of population – by 71, 6%.

In 2000 it was succeeded to exceed the rates of pre-crisis 1990 In 2000 were exceeded on such characteristics as volume of industrial output, consumer goods, real income of population.


In 2001 according to the presidential decree №516 Ministry of Economy has become responsible for management of state government property and privatization, support of entrepreneurship, general coordination of state investment policy, ensuring of antimonopolistic activity and competition development. This caused changes in structure the of Ministry: The Fund of state property; Entrepreneurship, Reorganization and Bankruptcy, Antimonopoly regulation Department appeared.

Role of administrative economic bodies clearly revealed during formation, explanation and realization of objectives and goals of the five-year plan for 2001-2005 – it was a period of mature economic system formation on the basis of national strategy of economic growth.

Start point, which predetermined belarussian economic growth, was the creation of Ministry’s program of socio-economic development for 2001-2005. Ministry of Economy ensured participation of other departments and republican bodies in the development of the program.

Since 2004 Ministry of Economy began to develop collateral programs for Council of Ministers and National Bank in order to reach the most important characteristics of socio-economic development, budget and Major directions of monetary and credit policy for the next year. Development, acceptance and realization of the plans were important in successful finishing of the program of 2001-2005.

During 2001-20005 the inflation rate declined greatly – from 207,5% in 2000 to 108% in 2005. Investment has grown by 84%, GDP increased by 43,1% (practically without increase of fuel resources’ usage). In 2001 salary increased to 100$, and average monthly salary at the end of 2005 was 261$.

All the important characteristics of belarussian socio-economic development for 2001-2005 have been achieved, and some of them have been exceeded.

After the creation of the State Property Committee the sphere of responsibility of the Ministry of Economy has been modified. It focused on state economic policy in the sphere of analysis and forecast of socio-economic development, entrepreneurship and investment activity, reorganization, antimonopoly activity, competition development, pricing state control. Ministry of Economy also was responsible for state policy in the sphere of state property management and privatization.