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Alexandr Chervyakov introduced Dmitry Krasovsky as Director of the National Agency for Investment and Privatization


June 16, 2020, Dmitry Krasovsky has been appointed for the position of director of the National Agency for Investment and Privatization and introduced to the team of the Ministry of Economy by Alexandr Chervyakov.

The Minister recalled about the necessity to reformat the work of the Agency in order to give it a new impetus and paid special attention to the main areas of activity of the NAIP to be developed. In addition to traditional - investments, Alexander Chervyakov called entrepreneurship and regional development.

 “Investments in the form of projects are localized in a specific place - in the regions. Therefore, we must understand where it would be the most useful. Investments are made by business; therefore, the Agency needs active work in order to motivate national and foreign businessmen to create new enterprises and industries. It is necessary to create in our country, in comparison with our neighbors, the most competitive conditions under which investors would have minimal risks and costs when implementing their projects. In this direction, the work of both the Ministry of Economics and the NAIP is necessary. In current situation, the Agency should aim at development of the regions through attracting investments and developing private business”, the Minister explained.

In conclusion, Alexander Chervyakov wished Dmitry Krasovsky a good start and effectiveness in his work, and expressed the hope that under his leadership NAIP will become a real Development Agency.

In his turn, Dmitry Krasovsky thanked for their trust and warm wishes, and also confirmed the focus on continuing the active substantive work of NAIP to achieve concrete results.
