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The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is an international organization that supports projects in 29 countries in Europe and Asia, promotes entrepreneurship and the transition towards open and competitive market economy.

EBRD is the largest investor in the region and apart from that attracts significant size of direct foreign investment. It is owned by 60 countries and two international organizations. Although its shareholders are representatives of the states, EBRD invests mainly in private enterprises, usually together with commercial partners.

It provides project financing for banks, enterprises and companies investing in new enterprises as well as in existing companies. It also works with public companies to support privatization and their restructuring, as well as improvement of municipal services. Bank uses its close relationship with governments in the region, including the Republic of Belarus, to create favorable conditions for business.

Bank conducts regular surveys concerning competition policy and its implementation in the Republic of Belarus. These surveys help to better understand the competitive framework in which the bank's customers perform operating activities. They, in their turn, are reflected in the indicators that the Bank publishes in its annual report.