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International Competition Network (ICN)

International Competition Network (ICN) unites on a voluntary basis around 100 competitive authorities in developed and developing countries. ICN activities are aimed at disseminating best practices in the introduction of competition, convergence of laws of member countries, creating favorable conditions for further development of competition policy in each country and international cooperation in this field.

ICN aims to encourage cooperation of antimonopoly authorities around the world.  Once a year ICN hold a conference to review and evaluate the results of recent years as well as to set the directions for further work.

Membership in ICN allows the antimonopoly authority of the Republic of Belarus to take part in addressing the issues arising in international economic competition, favors the development of mechanisms of the implementation of the antimonopoly legislation in the Republic of Belarus and shaping of a single point of view with the international practice and also provides an opportunity to inform the international community about the processes occurring in the Republic of Belarus.