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The Regional Centre for Competition of Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development in Budapest (RCC OECD-GVH)

The Regional Centre for Competition of Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development in Budapest (RCC OECD-GVH) was formed in 2005. RCC  is an affiliate project between the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and Gazdasagi Versenyhivatal (Hungarian Competition Authority), which is designed to stimulate the development of competition law and antimonopoly policy, as well to provide strengthening of the potential of competition authorities in the Eastern, Southeast and Central Europe.

The effective area of cooperation is the participation of the Republic of Belarus in organized workshops and conferences, where they are given the opportunity to systematically improve their skill level. In the course of workshops one can learn from the practices of implementation of competition law in various countries, exchange views with colleagues on the principles of competition law and also examine and analyze concrete cases of competition law, which are presented by delegates of the RCC member countries. Representatives of the Republic of Belarus are working in close cooperation with RCC and often act as reporters. They also take an active part in workshops and conferences organized in Vienna, Budapest, Sofia, Tirana, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yerevan, etc.