High-Tech Park (HTP)
Preferential terms are also granted to resident companies of the High-Tech Park. They mainly specialize in the development and assimilation of information and communication technologies and software for use in Belarus and abroad. Their operation includes 12 high-tech areas ranging from the creation of materials for micro and nano electronics to aircraft, rockets and space technologies (Belarus President Decree No. 12 of 22 June 2005 “High-Tech Park”).
Thanks to highly qualified IT manpower Belarus intends to become a mover on the global IT market. At present, around 15,000 Belarusian specialists are involved in software export. Belarusian companies (EPAM, IBA, Sam Solutions, Belsoft, ScienceSoft and others) carry out projects for British Telecom, T-Mobile, Cingular/ATT, BlueCross BlueShield, Reuters, the London Stock Exchange, AeroMexico, William Hill, SAP, Microsoft, Hyperion, BEA, Colgate, Samsung, IBM, Siemens, Alcatel and many others.
The IT industry development is fostered by preferences the High-Tech Park provides to its residents as well as non-residents, which carry out business projects that involve new and high technologies.
The main preferences of the HTP residents are:
- exemption from taxes, duties and other mandatory fees paid to the national budget, special budget and non-budget funds from sales proceeds;
- exemptionfromincometax;
- exemption from value-added tax on sales turnover;
- exemption from land tax for the duration of construction, 3 years at most;
- exemption from real estate tax;
- exemption from customs duties and VAT on goods imported for IT business;
- 9% tax on income of employees without including it into the annual total income.
Main preferences of HTP non-residents are granted only for registered business
projects and include:
- exemption from taxes, duties and other mandatory fees paid to the national budget, special budget and non-budget funds from sales proceeds;
- exemption from income tax;
- exemption from value-added tax on sales turnover;
- 9% tax on income of employees.
HTP residents (business projects of HTP non-residents) are registered by the
HTP administration following a decision of the HTP Supervisory Board, provided
the operation of the business entities involves analysis, design and software
development of information systems, data processing, fundamental and applied
research, experimental development in the area of natural and engineering
sciences, and other IT areas.
HTP residents (business projects of HTP non-residents) are registered after the HTP administration reviews a limited package of documents.
The documents are supposed to be reviewed within one month. Denial of registration can be challenged in court.